The double standards of Islam
Islamists sure know how to push our buttons and work the sympathies of the western press. Their guilt is expressed through cutting themselves with swords and whipping themselves with chains until bloody; our guilt is spread across the front pages.
It doesn't matter if the article in Newsweek claiming U.S. interrogators flushed a copy of the Koran is true or not. The radical Islam propaganda machine is working overtime. Just about any excuse will do -- except one that has merit. Newsweek's recent report was just handy is all.
It's interesting that Newsweek is taking, and the administration is giving it, credit for the riots. The magazine was in distribution for four days before the riots started. The riots were alleged by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the U.S. senior military commander on the ground in Afghanistan to be a result of the country's reconciliation process, not the Newsweek report. Now, the propagandists, taking their lead from the guilt-ridden western press, have accepted the Koran flushing as the handy excuse.
It's amazing how much people in the west bend over backwards trying to accommodate the cultural sensitivities of offended radical Muslims. We're culturally sensitive to people who allow radical mullahs to teach children that the only good unbeliever is a dead unbeliever and that the suicidal bombing of their women, elderly and children is acceptable. Afghanis don't demonstrate when some al Qaeda bombers in Iraq kill innocents at the opening of a waterworks or in a public market, or when Ba'athists behead aid workers, but they're incensed about a report about some wet paper. Go figure.
And we're worried about hurting the religious sensitivities of people who blow up 1,700 year old Buddhas. It doesn't takes a lot of courage to beat up on Buddhists. Buddhists don't fight back; they pray for those who visit violence upon them. The Taliban and al Qaeda must have thought the U.S. would react the same way and turn the other cheek when their "martyrs" killed 3,000 people in attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania but was thought to have been headed to the White House. How freaking stupid are they to believe that the U.S. wouldn't find out who was behind the attack and then start dropping "Daisy Cutters" like there was no tomorrow?
We're worried about the sensitivities of the people who put out a contract to kill writer Salman Rushdie. And we're worried about the sensitivities of people who succeeded in killing a Dutch filmmaker who made a movie depicting violence against women in Islam. Why haven't there ever been any protests against the filmmaker's murder in the middle east? Or protests about the violence against women in Islamic society. That's a "dog bites man" story and would be lucky to earn three column inches in the "Fun" section of the Lower Sandusky Chronicle.
Kuwaitis didn't protest the alleged snub; they were busy celebrating the decision by that country's parliament bringing the country into the 20th Century giving women the right to vote and hold office and didn't have time to protest an alleged religious snub. But you didn't see that sign of democracy in the top news.
(By the way, congratulations to the women of Kuwait! You've come a long way baby! Jewaira, you rock! Just remember that a cigarette named "Virginia Slims" is not a torch of female freedom but a nail in your coffin. Caveat emptor.)
Now the administration is bending over backwards, apologizing to these psychotic mullahs that the desecration of the Koran is not U.S. policy. I wish the administration officials would also let these people know that private citizens in the U.S. might flush copies of the Koran -- I can just about guarantee it's going to happen -- the press will undoubtedly cover the flushing, it'll be international news once again and there's nothing the government can do about it. :P
If the Muslims respond in kind and flush copies of the Bible, some of us will bitch loudly but there won't be widespread rioting. We're not as fucking crazy about religion as Muslims apparently are. Well ... at least not those among us who don't change our names to David Koresh or Rev. Jim Jones. Most of us love and believe in God, but we don't kill people who don't ... at least not anymore. At the worst, we send people to their door at 5 o'clock Saturday mornings with pamphlets to convert them.
Maybe there isn't a federal policy of desecrating the Koran or other religious icons and texts, but the freedoms of our Constitution allow us -- as free individuals -- to stick crucifixes in jars of urine, burn flags, create "art" depicting religious scenes where the medium is feces. As individuals, we don't have to approve of these activities. And we may protest the federal funding for such disgusting things, but free people in a free country can do stuff like that -- that's the way freedom works.
Islamist extremists have been wrapping themselves in the Koran, saying the Koran is the word of Allah, and using this book and its teachings as an excuse to abuse women and torture and kill those innocents who disagree with strict Islamic law. Is it really any surprise that people might want to desecrate that item as a symbol of their disgust with the people who use the Koran for their own greed and self-interest?
When the Islamists start protesting against something that really matters, like how their psychotic mullahs convince illiterate, uneducated men and women to kill themselves so the mullahs can live well, let me know. It'll confirm that Mohammed Atta and the other 18 "martyrs" are having a game of ice hockey in hell.
May 15-21 is National EMS Week. Congratulations and thank you First Responders, EMTs, Paramedics and all those in the Emergency Medical Services!