El 6to Estado - En Espanol

Friday, February 25, 2005

I wouldn't vote for him

As you might have guessed, I think it's important that folk who seek to lead have at least a sense of humor, if not a sense of the ironic. Some things definitely are not funny but you've got to be able to laugh off the minor problems of day-to-day life just to keep sane.

Maybe it wasn't in the Bible or the Koran that Jesus or Mohammed had a sense of humor, but I can just about guarantee they did. I see the humor and antics of the creatures in this world. Has anyone every seen a platypus, Zebra or javelina? Camels actually spit at you ... that's funny as all get out, I guess at least if you're not on the receiving end!

Last year and this year I have sent requests to Mark McBride, mayor of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and a Republican candidate last year for the senate, for a couple "McBride for U.S. Senate" bumperstickers. I wrote him that if I ever ran for president of the United States, I would reciprocate and send him some of my bumperstickers. He responded to my e-mail. But when I sent him my address at his request, I never received the bumperstickers.

Now maybe he didn't send them because I live in Louisiana and he lives in South Carolina and it would have personally cost him a dollar or so to send them along and I would be ineligible to vote for him. If so, he should have said that. I'd have been more than willing to cover his costs.

Or maybe he's been deluged with so many requests from Mark McBrides from all over the country wanting bumper stickers that he's run out. I'd like to believe that. It would mean that Mark McBride is more than a name, it's an entire movement of humorous people. But I've volunteered on political campaigns before and there are boxes of bumperstickers and signs left over when the campaign ends. (You ever know a politician who didn't overspend?)

What I suspect however is that Mayor McBride just has a stick up his butt and, long ago, someone performed a humorectomy on him. I'd ask that anyone reading this to please send him an electronic get well card/e-greeting in hopes that he soon recovers from this humorectomy surgery ... but he probably wouldn't find that funny at all.

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. H. L. Mencken.


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