El 6to Estado - En Espanol

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Persistent Vegetative State?

Neurologists quoted in USA Today claim that Terri Schindler Schiavo feels no pain because only her brain stem remains intact, which governs only reflex action and basic motor function. Keep this in mind when you visit the:

Website of the Day:

Just got back in from the road and see from a quick perusing of the headlines that there actually exist physicians who disagree with the diagnosis of "persistent vegetative state." The Associated Press found some, including a neurologist from the Mayo Clinic who believes Mrs. Schiavo is in a "minimally conscious state." A "minimally conscious state" would mean that she can feel pain and respond to her body attacking itself as she dies from starvation and dehydration. However, the AP writers then find other sources which discredit their claims by noting the neurologist might be letting his "Christian" beliefs influence his judgement. Just keep telling yourself the AP is unbiased and is presenting a "balanced" report. The bottom line: there is no consensus in the medical profession, the only consensus is in the liberal media which seek to report just one side of the issues.

Porn spam Easter egg of the day:

Today's spam inclusion is beautiful nonsense poetry I call:

Randomized love ode to a dictionary

you coxcomb me
bengal me
you artemis me
banquet me
you decent me
ersatz me
you drowse me
utter me
you alterate me
snipe me
you somewhat me
blanchard me
you checkmate me
chrysolite me
you chen me
fiendish me


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