El 6to Estado - En Espanol

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Insert appropriate column headline here

I've written before how much I've been enjoying the commentary of Kathleen Parker. She's gone and produced another excellent view, this time on media. Read her latest column on the media elite contemplating their eliteness, laugh at the verities of it, scan the headlines and pity the media elite for their insightlessness and obvious partisanship and then head outside and enjoy your Saturday. That's what I'm going to do. There are weeds to whack, clothes to wash and a hose on my car's power steering pump I need to fix, and all the while I'm going to be soaking up some Vitamin D because it's a gorgeous day in Baton Rouge!

[Update 4/17/2005: The journalistic elite are well represented in this joke I've received:

An editorial writer for the Washington Post gets on a plane and finds himself seated next to a cute blonde. Surprisingly, while he's liberal and elite, he's neither gay nor transgendered -- he's straight. He immediately turns to her and makes his move.

"You know," he says, "I've heard that flights will go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger. So let's talk."

The blonde, who had just opened her book, closes it slowly and says to the guy, "What would you like to discuss?"

"Oh, I don't know," says the guy. "How about how horribly Bush, that jack-booted facist thug, is running this country and taking away all our rights?"

"OK," says the blonde. "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff: - grass. Yet the deer excretes little pellets, the cow turns out a flat patty, and the horse produces muffins of dried poop. Why do you suppose that is?"

The guy is dumbfounded. Finally he replies, "I haven't the slightest idea."

"So tell me," says the blonde, "How is it that you feel qualified to discuss politics when you don't know shit?"
Pretty much explains how things at the liberal mainstream media operate doesn't it?]


Porn spam Easter egg of the day:

The men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world, brother.


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